About Us

Dentist Kansas City, Staff Photo

Not only are we devoted to our patients, we also enjoy participating in many community outreach programs and we embrace our responsibility to give back to our public.

We are proud to be a part of Give Kids A Smile® annually and we participate often in GKAS events and even hosted an event in 2012.

Give Kids A Smile®

Each year on the first Friday in February, thousands of the nation's dentists and their dental team members provide free oral health care services to children from low-income families across the country. While the first Friday of February is the recommended event date, Give Kids A Smile programs can be successfully conducted during any month of the year. Some dentists may choose to pick another date that is more convenient to their schedule.

Besides enhancing the oral health of thousands of children every year, the ADA's Give Kids A Smile® program also strives to educate policymakers about the ongoing challenges disadvantaged families face in finding dental care. Find a program today!

Mission of Mercy

The Missouri Mission of Mercy (MOMOM) and Kansas Mission of Mercy (KMOM) are periodic large-scale dental clinics that provide free oral healthcare to patients of all ages who cannot otherwise afford care. Since 2000, MOM events across America have provided free dental services for more than 100,000 undeserved patients and nearly $50 million in free dental services since inception. Both Drs. Barth and Nunemaker enjoy participating in MOM events and giving back to the commmunity.

We are Green

Recycling and environmental awareness practices are close to our hearts. Dr. Nunemaker won an Environmental Excellence Award from Bridging the Gap, a local environmental non-profit group, that provides services and educational programs throughout the Kansas City area. He was honored for his efforts for improvements in our field and the world we live in and is our building's "unofficial" recycler, collecting from other offices and delivering to area recycling centers.

Check out our: "Exciting News" section to see what we've been up to lately!

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